A kind's khokhme iz oykhet khokhme
A child's wisdom is also wisdom
Oyb di velt vet amol vern derlayzn, vet es zayn nor durkh dem
fardinen fun kinder
If the world will ever be redeemed, it will be only through the
merit of children
Yeder kind trogt zayn eygne brokhe arayn in der velt
Each child carries his own blessing into
the world
Halt nit a kind tsu ayr egenem visn, vayle, er iz geboyrn gevron
in an onder tsayt
Don't limit a child to your own knowledge,
for he was born in another time
A kind on a smotshik iz vi a tir on a kliamke
A child without a pacifier is like a door without a knob
Got hot keynmol gezogt emetsn zayn narish
God never told anyone to be stupid
Dos epl falt nit vayt fun boym
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
Keyn mol tsuzog epes tsu dem kind un gib es nit tsu im, vayl
azoy vet er oyslernen vi tsu lign
Never promise something to a child and not
give it to him, because in that way he learns to lie
Toyre can men nit opshraybn oder beyerushe
Learning cannot be bequeathed or inherited
Ver es vet nit prubirn, vet nit lernen
Who does not try, will not learn
Tsu zukhn khokhme in der elter is vi a tseykhn in zamd; tsu zukhn khokhme in yugnt
iz vi gravyrn oyf a shteyn
To seek wisdom in old age is like a mark in the sand. To seek wisdom in youth is
like engraving on stone
Di varemste bet is di mame's
The warmest bed is mother's
Mayne kinder, di kleyne un di groyse, zaynen ale vunderkinder
My children, big and small, are all prodigies
Fardreyte gandz, fardreyte gendzl
Goofy goose, goofy goslings
Khokhme kumt mit di yorn
Wisdom comes with the years
Vos Got iz tsu der velt, eltern zaynen tsu zeyere kinder
What God is to the world, parents are to their child