Shvimt Dos Kestl Afn Taykh
Shvimt dos kestl afn taykh, afn groysn Nil. Shvimt dos kestl ruik, glaykh, shvimt dos kestl shtil
Un di khvalyes geyen shtil, geyen tsart un lind; vi zey voltn hitn zikh ton leyd dem kind
Shvimt dos kestl afn taykh...
O, di khvalyes zaynen doch nit vi pare shlekht. Nit dertrinken veln zey meshiachn fun knecht
The Basket Is Floating On The River
The basket is floating on the river, on the borad Nile. The basket is floating quietly, straight, the basket is floating
And the waves move quietly, tenderly and gently; as if they wanted to avoid harming the child
The basket is floating on the river...
O, the waves are not just as is pharaoh, evil. They will not drown the saver of slavery
Papir Iz Doch Vays
Papir iz doch vays un tint iz doch shvarts. Tsu dir, mayn zis leben, tsit doch mayn harts. Ch' volt shtendig gezesen dray
teg noch anand, tsu kushen dayn sheyn ponim, un tsu haltn dayn hant
Nechten banacht bin ich oyf a chasene geven. Fil sheyne meydelach hob ich dort gezen.
Fil sheyne meydelach- tsu dir kumt nisht gor - tsu dayne shvartse eygelach, tsu dayne shvartse hor
Dayn talye, dayn mine, dayn eydler fason, in hartsn brent a fayer, me zet es nisht on. Nishto aza mentsh vos zol filn,
vi es brent. Der toyt un dos lebn iz bay Got in di Hent
Ach, du liber Got, varf mir nisht arop. Glaych mich nit tsu keyn beymele un nit tsu keyn slop. Dos beymele az es blit
iz doch zeyer sheyn; vi helft mir shoyn Got mir dir tsu der chupe tsu geyn
Oh, Paper Is White
Oh, paper is white, and ink, black as the night. To you, my dear sweetheart, my heart takes its flight. I'd willingly
wait for three days I would stand, to kiss your fair face and to hold your dear hand
Last night to a wedding I went without care. A room full of pretty girls I did see there. A room full of pretty girls,
but none to compare with your pretty coal-black eyes, and your raven hair
Your figure, your manners, your noble attitude, in my heart burns a fire, one cannot see it. There is no-one who can feel
how it burns. Death and life are in the Hand of G-d
Oh, please, dearest G-d,. do not cast me down. I' m not like a tree or a stick in the ground. A tree when it blooms is
lovely to see; with G-d' s help, my darling, my bride you will be